Many parents ask me, if they should practice with their children. The answer is yes, you can, but for very young kids it isn’t necessary; all you need to do is let them play! Here’s what I usually say about practice:
If you have a piano at home, and would like to practice with your child, you can purchase the books we are using.
It is great for them to practice pieces from this book, as long as practice takes place in a supportive and playful atmosphere. 5 minutes a day is sufficient! As we move along, you can also ask your child to teach you the finger-song, show you the letters on the keyboard, and to teach you how to clap quarter notes, half notes and rests. Singing or dancing with your child also greatly assists their musical development -The most important thing is to have fun.
For older children, building a regular practice is essential. The most important thing is to build regular routines, so practice becomes a part of your daily activities, like brushing your teeth or getting dressed. For example, it is much more beneficial to practice 5 minutes each day than 30 minutes one day. Here is a simplified video of what happens in the brain when we practice regularly:
A great idea, is to buy an egg-timer to keep on top of the piano. Each day, preferably at the same time, set the timer for 5 minutes and begin practicing. When the timer rings, no matter how much the child ‘got done’, practice is done for the day! It is always nice for kids to have a grown up present when they practice, so they feel cheered and supported. What matters is, giving your brain it’s daily work-out!