Easy Steps to Help Your Child Practice – Week 1

All Supplies In One Place

You will be surprised how many children start their practice trying to locate their things. To Start helping your child create an easy daily practice, first gather the supplies they need for their work. They are:

  • A Binder like the one you see in the picture
  • A Notebook
  • 1-2 ft of string or ribbon to tie to the notebook and use as a bookmark
  • A pencil with eraser
  • An egg-timer

Create Easy Order

Keep the egg-timer on the piano. Show your child how to put all the other supplies inside the binder. You can put a sticker on the binder that says ‘Piano’ or your child’s name. That’s the first step!

When it’s practice-time, take the binder out, when they’re done, make sure they pack it back up and put it in its place. This is all you have to do in week one. Feel free to send me a note on how this tip works for you! Email pianoforlittlehands@gmail.com